- Budget inputs independent on units in numerous amounts
- Defining estimated exchange rates for budget in system and reporting in required currency
- Planning according to estimated demands for future periods through deterministic methods
- Defining seasonal distribution coefficients in system and distributing annual total amounts to be budgeted at the rate of coefficients
- Benefiting from data in system and creating sales budget in customer basis or without customer
- Taking advantage of valid pricing policies in system during budgeting
- Integrating MRP with budget optionally after producing sales budget
- Creating production budget automatically over sales budget
- Reviewing capacity reports for analyzing production feasibility
- Automatically producing semi-finished product, raw material, outsourcing and activity budgets from production budget
- Inputting income-outcome budgets independent on finance budget
- Distributing between cost centers over budgeted outcomes
- Calculating budgeted unit activity costs
- Automatically creating data to be taken from other budgets for finance budget
- Manual data input in all budget screens
- Comparison of planned real budget
- Hierarchic approval mechanism between budgets
- Discount inputs, gross and net comparisons in sales budget
- Instantaneous budget values for updated periods
- Personal sales target analyses in sales personnel basis
- Simultaneous comparison of budget, realized, revised budgets in budget reports